Natural advantage

The far-sighted decision 60 years ago to return vast swaths of Goondicum Station to native forest has been vindicated by the unique array of plants and animals now living in harmony with our grazing enterprise, including several endangered species.

The property boasts an extensive range of eucalypt varieties – blue gum, lemon-scented gum, spotted gum, honey gum and peppermint gum to name just a few. It’s a birdwatcher’s paradise where tall stands of mountain oak (casuarina) provide food and shelter for the endangered glossy black cockatoos among owls, eagles and myriad other species.

The Burnett River, which offers almost 20km of double frontage, and waterholes are home to platypus and a variety of native frog species. Rocky outcrops along the river gorges provide habitat for the endangered rock wallaby, of which there are at least seven known colonies on Goondicum Station.

A vast range of wildlife are present at Goondicum. Species include:

  • Greater gliders
  • Sugar gliders
  • Yellow belly gliders
  • Feather tail gliders
  • Powerful owls
  • Possums
  • Koalas
  • Brush Tail Rock wallabies
  • Whip tail wallabies
  • Red neck wallabies
  • Kangaroo rats
  • Pebble mound mice
  • Kangaroos
  • Native frog species
  • Platypus
  • Tortoises
  • Wedge tail eagles
  • Tawny frog mouth owls and grass owls
  • Glossy black cockatoos
  • Black headed pythons
  • Echidnas